F. Kroeber, New York, "Regulator No. 45", ca 1881.
A poplar model they made over a period of years, some slightly different configurations. This walnut case is 33" high original except for some new wood ornaments on the bottom trim, and a new glue block behind the top. There is a complete paper label on the back, signed beat scale, and the clock parts are original including the 8 day movement, brass gong, brass bob and wood stick, and the dial rings and hands. The paper dial is a replacement and now covered with shellac or similar painted covering, and the glass is a replacement. The case has a straight split on the backboard and splits on the top above the dial. This clock has always sold over $1500 if in excellent condition, if it is not in fine condition the prices scale back to $500 to $750. Ly-Kroeber, page 116.
Clock types