German, Karl Griesbaum, drunk and broom whistler, leaning against lamp post, c1950
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
broom or shovel is broken away, man has only the handle in his hands. Bottom dust cover for the 2 batteries that power the lamp-post is missing. Will whistle a lively tune with encouragement; bellows still OK. Ht 18" to top of lamp
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Griesbaum, Karl
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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German, Karl Griesbaum, drunk and broom whistler, leaning against lamp post, c1950 broom or shovel is broken away, man has only the handle in his hands. Bottom dust cover for the 2 batteries that power the lamp-post is missing. Will whistle a lively tune with encouragement; bellows still OK. Ht 18" to top of lamp
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