English, Smith and Sons, London, 3-fusee, quarter chiming bracket clock, mahogany case with arched dial, cast spandrels and applied silvered chapter ring. Chimes the quarters on a nest of 8 bells (choice of tune), and strikes the hour on a large cathedral
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
professionally refinished Georgian style case and restored ormolu trim. Complete with all 5 flame finials, cast corner trim and side frets. Tunes are selected between Cambridge Chimes and Chime on 8 Bells. Overall very clean. Ht 24"
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Smith, J and Sons
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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English, Smith and Sons, London, 3-fusee, quarter chiming bracket clock, mahogany case with arched dial, cast spandrels and applied silvered chapter ring. Chimes the quarters on a nest of 8 bells (choice of tune), and strikes the hour on a large cathedral gong, c.1900 professionally refinished Georgian style case and restored ormolu trim. Complete with all 5 flame finials, cast corner trim and side frets. Tunes are selected between Cambridge Chimes and Chime on 8 Bells. Overall very clean. Ht 24"
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