Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass., "Girandole" wall clock 8 day time only weight driven movement in gold leafed mahogany case with reverse painted convex throat and lower glass tablets and painted metal dial, dated 1972
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
there is a slight flake to gold leaf on bracket base and small flakes to several balls. Otherwise it is in outstanding and original condition. The case is marked "3", "72" and "MCIP". Ht 44"
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Stennes, Elmer O
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass., "Girandole" wall clock 8 day time only weight driven movement in gold leafed mahogany case with reverse painted convex throat and lower glass tablets and painted metal dial, dated 1972 there is a slight flake to gold leaf on bracket base and small flakes to several balls. Otherwise it is in outstanding and original condition. The case is marked "3", "72" and "MCIP". Ht 44"
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