Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass., "Lyre" wall clock, 8 day, time only, weight driven movement in a carved mahogany case with carved Prince of Wales finial, reverse painted tablet and a painted metal dial, s#8, dated 1971
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the clock is in excellent original condition with minor flaking on the perimeter of dial and dial center. The original Stennes signed weight is stamped "8". Ht 43"
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Stennes, Elmer O
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass., "Lyre" wall clock, 8 day, time only, weight driven movement in a carved mahogany case with carved Prince of Wales finial, reverse painted tablet and a painted metal dial, s#8, dated 1971 the clock is in excellent original condition with minor flaking on the perimeter of dial and dial center. The original Stennes signed weight is stamped "8". Ht 43"
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