Regina Music Box Co., Rahway and Jersey City, N.J., Style No.11, table top 15 Ohm inch, double comb, disc playing music box, quarter sawn oak case with mother of pearl dot and white line inlays, stepped molded top, and molded base supported on turned ball
box nicely refinished, combs are very good with no missing nor repaired teeth; some slight surface oxidation on a couple of teeth. Plays crisply with nice tone. Details on the variety of model elevens can be found in Bowers "Encyclopedia of Automatic Musical Instruments", page 189. Over the years, the #11 was made with a simple rope molding surround, then with applied rectangular molding, and also with the inlay with turned columns at the corners (like this one). Also shown in the Encyclopedia, page 177 are ship dates for Reginas, and this serial # would have been shipped between Nov 1900 and Jan 1901. Storage cabinet with approximately 15+ discs with an old re-finish, top with clean, repairable dry split, left front leg attached to case with screws. Music box: L 21 3/4" W 19 3/4" H 13", Cabinet: L 23" W 21" H 34"
Clock types