Thomas Hart and Co., London, England, 31 Bevis. Marks, bracket clock, 8 day, time, quarter strike and chime on 8 bells, spring driven triple fusee movement in a mahogany and mahogany veneer case with silvered metal dial, c1835
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has been professionally restored and refinished with replaced screws in the feet and repaired cracks in the veneer. The fusee movement, which interestingly has extra large main spring barrels is sitting on shims to account for wood shrinkage. There is a repair to gong strike hammer arm. The pendulum tie down screw is absent. Ht 21"
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Hart, Thomas and Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Thomas Hart and Co., London, England, 31 Bevis. Marks, bracket clock, 8 day, time, quarter strike and chime on 8 bells, spring driven triple fusee movement in a mahogany and mahogany veneer case with silvered metal dial, c1835 the case has been professionally restored and refinished with replaced screws in the feet and repaired cracks in the veneer. The fusee movement, which interestingly has extra large main spring barrels is sitting on shims to account for wood shrinkage. There is a repair to gong strike hammer arm. The pendulum tie down screw is absent. Ht 21"
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