Solomon Stow, Southington, Conn., 30 hour, time and strike, wood movement half column and splat shelf clock. c1830
Refinished mahogany veneered case in very nice clean condition. Stenciling on the columns and splat has been restored. The painted dial with some wear looks to be original as the pins that hold the dial line up with the cross bar. The problem is the stretchers behind the dial have been moved from their original position, but from the oxidation to the wood it appears they were moved a long time ago and may be original to manufacture of the case. The backboard has been shifted in the case as there is a 3/4' piece of wood on the bottom. The individual boards may have been moved to close a gap from shrinkage of the wood. The chimney caps looked to have been replaced. The wood finials are not original. The tablet is original with some loss. The movement is a type made by Stow. An example of this movement can be found in "Eli Terry and the Connecticut Shelf Clock", 2nd ed. by Roberts and Taylor, Pg. 307. Ht 28.75"
Clock types