France, for Dent, 33 Cockspur St., London, 8 day perpetual calendar, time and strike pendule a Paris movement, counting the hours on a bell and with a single blow at the half hour, signed Roman numeral, white enamel dial above the lower white enamel
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
Case dirty, and with a few minor chips, repairs to upper and lower moldings and lower case corners, feet added, upper dial very good, dirty, loss to signature above center, address strong below center, time hands cleaned of their blue, calendar dial very good, dirty, calendar hands good with minor bends and some loss to blue, minor loss to gilding on bezels, glasses good, calendar movement functional, ticks and strikes, Ht 17"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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France, for Dent, 33 Cockspur St., London, 8 day perpetual calendar, time and strike pendule a Paris movement, counting the hours on a bell and with a single blow at the half hour, signed Roman numeral, white enamel dial above the lower white enamel calendar dial decorated with clouds and starry sky, with indications for day, date, month, and phases of the moon, blued steel hands, gilt bezels with beveled glass, all contained in a polished black slate case with inset red marble panels, engraved decoration with gilding, the base trimmed with brass and on turned feet, c1870 Case dirty, and with a few minor chips, repairs to upper and lower moldings and lower case corners, feet added, upper dial very good, dirty, loss to signature above center, address strong below center, time hands cleaned of their blue, calendar dial very good, dirty, calendar hands good with minor bends and some loss to blue, minor loss to gilding on bezels, glasses good, calendar movement functional, ticks and strikes, Ht 17"
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