Clocks- 3 (Three): (1)Chauncey Jerome, Bristol, Conn., 30 hours, time and strike OG, c1845. (2)H. Welton, Terrysville, Conn., 30 hours, time and strike OG, c1845. (3)J.C. Brown, Forestville, Conn., 8 days, time and strike OOG, c1850.
(1)Refinished mahogany veneered case with some veneer loss. Original painted dial has wear to some of the numbers and corner decorations, paint loss at the mounting pins and winding arbors. Mirror tablet and hands are original. (2)Partially refinished mahogany veneered case with small chips on the corners. Original painted wood dial has general wear and discoloration. Hands are original. Mirror is a replacement. (3) Mahogany veneered case in an old finish has significant loss and damage on the right side molding. The bottom board including bottom front round veneered molding is missing. Original signed painted dial has a shrinkage crack and grommets are missing. Hands are original. Original US Capital tablet with loss. There are no weights or pendulum bob with this clock.
Clock types