Admiral Fitzroy barometer, "367815" numbered, ash case with carving at top, glazed front, printed paper for backboard with barometer scales, tips for interpreting the information shown, thermometer, and storm glass,
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case retains its original finish, rubbed down. The printed backing has some water stains in upper portion. The mercury has air bubbles and the storm glass has no liquid left.
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Fitzroy, Admiral
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Admiral Fitzroy barometer, "367815" numbered, ash case with carving at top, glazed front, printed paper for backboard with barometer scales, tips for interpreting the information shown, thermometer, and storm glass, the case retains its original finish, rubbed down. The printed backing has some water stains in upper portion. The mercury has air bubbles and the storm glass has no liquid left.
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