Reproduction Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., "Hanging Kildare" wall clock, 8 day, time and strike, spring driven movement with perpetual calendar, in a walnut case with black papered dials and cut crystal pendulum
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case was professionally made to the proper specifications of an original. The movements are period. The dials and pendulums are professional reproductions. There is a repair to one of the carved elements below door. This is a well made reproduction and an exact copy of a model, an original of which brought $6100 plus 15% buyer's premium in our October 2015 auction.
Hanging Kildare
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Reproduction Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., "Hanging Kildare" wall clock, 8 day, time and strike, spring driven movement with perpetual calendar, in a walnut case with black papered dials and cut crystal pendulum the case was professionally made to the proper specifications of an original. The movements are period. The dials and pendulums are professional reproductions. There is a repair to one of the carved elements below door. This is a well made reproduction and an exact copy of a model, an original of which brought $6100 plus 15% buyer's premium in our October 2015 auction.
Clock types