Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., Ithaca, New York, "No. 0 Bank", hanging 8 day, timepiece with perpetual calendar, weight driven movement in a walnut case with a carved pediment top, carved base and upper and lower finials with papered metal dials
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the clock is in excellent original condition including original finials and weights. The papered dials have been clear coated.
Bank No. 0
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., Ithaca, New York, "No. 0 Bank", hanging 8 day, timepiece with perpetual calendar, weight driven movement in a walnut case with a carved pediment top, carved base and upper and lower finials with papered metal dials the clock is in excellent original condition including original finials and weights. The papered dials have been clear coated.
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