France, probably Eugene Farcot, Paris, swinging doll clock, 8 day, time only, spring driven movement employing the chaff-cutter escapement with two escape wheels in an alabaster case with white enamel chapter ring and putto figure pendulum swinging front
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
Very small edge and corner chips the case edges. White speckling on the front of base. Putto is original and was touched up with gold paint. The porcelain dial has three fine hairline cracks. There never was a bezel or front glass because this clock originally was placed under a glass dome. The movement is stamped with serial number 7989, "Chappement Brevet", a trademark featuring a bird with arrows and "FOT" which was used to indicate "Farcot ". Breguet style hands are original and have had some gold paint applied. Base was reglued with modern adhesive.
Swinging Doll
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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France, probably Eugene Farcot, Paris, swinging doll clock, 8 day, time only, spring driven movement employing the chaff-cutter escapement with two escape wheels in an alabaster case with white enamel chapter ring and putto figure pendulum swinging front-to-back. Very small edge and corner chips the case edges. White speckling on the front of base. Putto is original and was touched up with gold paint. The porcelain dial has three fine hairline cracks. There never was a bezel or front glass because this clock originally was placed under a glass dome. The movement is stamped with serial number 7989, "Chappement Brevet", a trademark featuring a bird with arrows and "FOT" which was used to indicate "Farcot ". Breguet style hands are original and have had some gold paint applied. Base was reglued with modern adhesive.
Clock types