England, Des Granges, Cockspur St., mantel clock, 8 day, time and strike with pull repeat, spring driven fusee movement in a rosewood veneered case with Chinoiserie style on turned and carved feet, the case with applied and carved gilt ornaments and crest
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
Rosewood veneered case in an old finish has a repair at the bottom front panel and a stress crack next to that panel. There is a small stress crack on the lower left side. Dial has been nicely restored. Original hands. All of the carvings are now gold painted. Original feet. Heavy, quality English movement with original pendulum.
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Granges, Des
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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England, Des Granges, Cockspur St., mantel clock, 8 day, time and strike with pull repeat, spring driven fusee movement in a rosewood veneered case with Chinoiserie style on turned and carved feet, the case with applied and carved gilt ornaments and crest, signed dial, black steel fleur-de-lis hands, and plaque with poem considering the transient nature of life. Rosewood veneered case in an old finish has a repair at the bottom front panel and a stress crack next to that panel. There is a small stress crack on the lower left side. Dial has been nicely restored. Original hands. All of the carvings are now gold painted. Original feet. Heavy, quality English movement with original pendulum.
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