Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., Ithaca, New York, "No. 0 Bank", wall clock, 8 day weight driven movement with perpetual calendar, in a walnut case with a carved pediment top, carved base, ornately carved dial surround and upper and lower finials with papered
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has a coat of varnish over original surface and many elements have been reattached. The crest is missing its central carved element. The base has a replaced carved element on right side, and a crack repair near bottom. The left and right return moldings on base have been secured with screws in new holes. The dials are in good condition. The wood mask around the dials has been secured with modern Phillips head screws. The weights, crest, bottom and all finials are original.
Bank No. 0
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., Ithaca, New York, "No. 0 Bank", wall clock, 8 day weight driven movement with perpetual calendar, in a walnut case with a carved pediment top, carved base, ornately carved dial surround and upper and lower finials with papered metal dials the case has a coat of varnish over original surface and many elements have been reattached. The crest is missing its central carved element. The base has a replaced carved element on right side, and a crack repair near bottom. The left and right return moldings on base have been secured with screws in new holes. The dials are in good condition. The wood mask around the dials has been secured with modern Phillips head screws. The weights, crest, bottom and all finials are original.
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