Ansonia Clock Co. enameled iron case, "Rosalind", ca 1880 or earlier I suspect.
A large iron case some-times seen with a statue sitting on top, which is always optional. To me the ladies adorning each end of the case is enough. This is another case where the man repainted the iron, put new gold in the etchings, an adequate gold job but not factory; cleaned the ornaments but didn't gilt them. He was probably holding them until he found the right person to do all his metal clocks. The case is 12.25 inches high, 15.25 inches wide. Access to the pendulum is underneath; you remove the back iron plate to access the movement. The movement is 8 day, half hour bell strike, running. There is a full paper label on the back plate; it states this is a "One Day Strike". Not true, the movement is definitely 8 day. The two piece porcelain dial is near perfect with a good beveled glass to protect it. If the restoration had been complete, and well done, we could expect to get about 600 dollars for this clock. Ly-Ansonia #975.
Clock types