C.1920, E. Howard and Co., Boston, No. 95 Banjo, Willard style, 8-day weight driven.
Condition: Aficionados will notice the similarity to Waltham models from the same period. Note the nickel plated movement has maintaining power, and a Geneva stop, and mounts to the inside of the case in a fashion similar to the Waltham, with machine screws into brass tabs that are secured to the case back (movement is properly signed). Someone has the weight cord on the outside of the lower left pillar, which will not affect the operation and can easily be changed next time it is cleaned. Position of the Geneva stop is critical when you set the clock up, as it needs to stop the weight before contact with the movement, and also to allow for enough travel for a weeks running; it has a simple friction clutch. The original weight on this clock is cast lead, with no number, and with a center bolt hole for securing it to the case back. Original marine tablet has some minor touch up in the cloud section to the right of the ship. Original signed dial is xlnt. An uncommon clock. Height 40 inches
Clock types