Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass. "Girandole" wall clock 8 day time only weight driven movement marked "E. HOWARD and CO. BOSTON" in mahogany case with gold leaf front and base with convex throat and lower circular tablet reverse painted with Aurora scene
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the clock is in excellent original condition. Nicely painted convexed dial is signed. The case parts are separately numbered "15" and several balls around lower tablet have slight loss. The eagle finial is gilt cast metal. Note this clock was made by Stennes when he was still able to find spare Howard movements. We recall that Bob Webber sold Stennes over a hundred Howard movements from Howard #5s and 70s that Webber purchased from the Boston City School System around 1958. Height 46 inches
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Stennes, Elmer O
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass. "Girandole" wall clock 8 day time only weight driven movement marked "E. HOWARD and CO. BOSTON" in mahogany case with gold leaf front and base with convex throat and lower circular tablet reverse painted with Aurora scene, c1960 serial No. 15 the clock is in excellent original condition. Nicely painted convexed dial is signed. The case parts are separately numbered "15" and several balls around lower tablet have slight loss. The eagle finial is gilt cast metal. Note this clock was made by Stennes when he was still able to find spare Howard movements. We recall that Bob Webber sold Stennes over a hundred Howard movements from Howard #5s and 70s that Webber purchased from the Boston City School System around 1958. Height 46 inches
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