Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., Ithaca, NY, "Regulator No. 1 or Hanging Bank", 8 day, time and perpetual calendar, two weight driven movement in a walnut case with applied crushed shell moldings and papered metal dials, dated 1870
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case retains its original finish with a glossy overcoat. The top center finial and one side finial are proper replacements. The original finial has a tip repair. The base is absent and the dials are repapered. The two cast iron wafer weights are original. Ht 43"
Regulator No. 1
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co., Ithaca, NY, "Regulator No. 1 or Hanging Bank", 8 day, time and perpetual calendar, two weight driven movement in a walnut case with applied crushed shell moldings and papered metal dials, dated 1870 the case retains its original finish with a glossy overcoat. The top center finial and one side finial are proper replacements. The original finial has a tip repair. The base is absent and the dials are repapered. The two cast iron wafer weights are original. Ht 43"
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