Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass., "Girandole" wall clock, 8 days, time only, weight driven movement in a gold leafed mahogany case with painted metal dial and convex reverse painted throat and lower tablets, dated 1973, serial #48
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case retains its original gold leafing and the glasses are in excellent condition. There has been a crack repair and touch up to the bracket base. Ht 46"
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Stennes, Elmer O
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass., "Girandole" wall clock, 8 days, time only, weight driven movement in a gold leafed mahogany case with painted metal dial and convex reverse painted throat and lower tablets, dated 1973, serial #48 the case retains its original gold leafing and the glasses are in excellent condition. There has been a crack repair and touch up to the bracket base. Ht 46"
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