Aaron Willard Jr., Boston, Mass., (attributed), banjo wall clock, 8 days, time only, weight driven movement in a mahogany veneer and cross banded case with reverse painted throat and lower glass tablets and painted metal dial, c1820
the clock retains its original finish with minor veneer chips. The holes for the four screws holding on the throat have been filled from the front. There is one extra hole on the top if the plinth for the finial. The side arms have been shifted slightly back. The lower door pull has been replaced. The bezel snap is missing. The hour hand is a later replacement. The finely wrought minute hand appears to be original. The dial has been repainted. A crude weight guard has been added. This is a good period banjo in need of some minor restoration and will be a fine example when restored. The period pulley is not original. The top finial may be original. The clock retains its original glasses with touch up. The three spoke hour wheel is indicative of Aaron Willard Jr. Please see Paul Foley's "Willard's Patent Timepieces", page 51. Ht 34"
Clock types